The LinkedIn - Mastodon - Twitter vacuum

It seems to me there is a gap in the market. When Twitter came around, an untapped need was ‘created’ - twittering. Exposing opinions, reading that of others.

And I think Twitter served an interesting ‘need’. On the one hand the urge to simply share your opinion. On the other hand - a tool to get a ‘feel’ for what is happening around you.

Look through your fingers while scrolling, and you can build up a feel for what’s going on in your areas of interest. What is hype, and what is nype.

LinkedIn has jumped into this gap. Evolving from a recruiter tool, into a true social network.

But LinkedIn feels more utilitarian. It is not so much about sharing opinions and latest developments, as it is about projecting an image about yourself. Attracting attention, generating business.

Twitter in that sense, was much more ‘useless’. You tweet into the void. Your tweet’s don’t directly contribute to your resume, or to the professional image you have. Twitter is more careless - your reputation and income is not on the line.

Hence the gap I think that exists. Since Twitter/X is now a bit of a debated place, and LinkedIn is a place where too much is at stake. We need a place of careless opinions, playfully shared. A place where you can build up a feel of what is happening. With a low barrier for individuals and companies to contribute.