The IT distrust problem

IT has a reputation for being expensive and running over budget.
Business executives know this. They are wary.

The IT industry has noticed this problem.
They have adopted ‘sprints’.
No fixed project scope and budget.
Just an hourly rate with an estimated total.

Executives are skeptical.
If you can give an estimate, surely you can give a budget?

IT salespeople collectively say no.


IT is misunderstood.
Seen as complex and un-understandable.

Once you start developing a system, you're tied to the party who started it. No real way back.

From the executive's perspective, the IT company has you by the balls.

IT, code, is something abstract.
Misunderstood. Intangible.

This makes us skeptical.
Makes us feel we're not in control.
Heightens our wary senses.