The copilot wars

In the 90s and early 00s, we had the browser wars. Netscape versus Internet Explorer. Each trying to dominate. The common belief was simple: if you owned the browser, you’d own the internet.

Today, we’re in a similar race. This time, it’s AI copilots for coding.

Developers are switching between tools like GitHub Copilot, Supermaven, Cursor, and JetBrains, chasing the next big feature. Sometimes switching daily, to stay on the cutting edge.

Two things stand out here:

First, the barrier to entry is getting higher. You get used to certain features. Soon, they become essential. And if a tool doesn't have them, it’s out. This creates a pyramid where only the best survive.

Second, there's a whole market being overlooked. Engineers and developers who aren’t early adopters. They stick with their tools, especially in enterprise environments. And they’re not as eager to switch for every new shiny feature.

Winning that market might be the real game.