Paperlike tech

Daylight launched a new tablet last week. An e-ink tablet. But that’s not what interests me.

Daylight markets itself as mindful tech. Tools that help you focus, not be distracted. It features a minimal, grayscale interface focused on note-taking and reading.

The Remarkable tablet is another example. A minimal tablet focused on recreating the 'paper' experience. Similarly, the Hisense A9 offers a distraction-free, paperlike experience with an e-ink phone.

These devices embrace mindful technology. They focus on simplicity and well-being. They strip away distractions and emphasize focus.

But what stands out is the marketing. These products evoke the feeling of your hand on paper, of a pen scribbling across it. They allude to a mystical quality that paper has. Romantic notions of writing and drawing.

Remarkable and e-ink companies tap into the same sentiment as Moleskine. The allure of joining the greats like Leonardo da Vinci, Ulysses, and Benjamin Franklin.