Making incremental sexy

We celebrate the transformative. The leaps in innovation. The clear changes. The disruptive.

But the disruptive is also exactly that - disruptive.

Incremental innovation is the unsung hero.

It’s the incremental innovation that makes stuff great.

Has the objective to make stuff great.

Not to smash to pieces the other thing that needs to be broken

We celebrate the transformative. The leaps in innovation. The disruptive.

But disruption is, by nature, disruptive. Incremental innovation is the unsung hero. It refines and perfects. It’s quieter, less glamorous, but crucial.

Incremental changes make things great without destroying what came before. Small improvements—better cameras, longer battery life, faster processors—build excellence over time.

Incremental is about making great. Whereas disruptive is about destroying what came before. Incremental goes unnoticed, overshadowed by the flashy and new. But the incremental provides stability and reliability. Predictability, the backbone of progress.

We need to reframe our perception of innovation. Celebrate the disruptive, but also recognize the value of incremental changes. They make things great, bit by bit.

How can we make the incremental sexy?