Aesthetic as truth

There is this weird concept when you’re lost in a problem or life
Viewing something as a sort of art form

To find some sort of beauty
In a text, a visual, or logic

It can be beauty at its’ most basic
The text formatting looks good
The sentences flow nicely
A visual simply looks balanced and beautiful
Or the logic looks elegant

In math
There is the concept of beauty
The most groundbreaking formulas
Are also often the simplest
And most beautiful to look at

I’ve found the same to be true for design
And programming
And writing

It’s a feeling I’ve long relied on
To judge whether or not I’m on the right track

It’s also a feeling I’ve learned to shut up about
Because when you’re just starting out, nobody will trust your intuition

Instead, I learned to use intuition and beauty as an internal compass
Only then to learn to reason and argument around the result
Then to have my suggestions and recommendations implemented
Then to have my recommendations be successful

To over time build up credibility
To the point where the people I work with
More and more start to trust my intuition

Which is ultimately guided by my hunting for beauty