A glimpse into the future of commercials

Coca Cola released their Christmas commercial.
Fully AI generated.

The internet did what it does best; point out imperfections.
Weird truck tires.
Unnatural edges.
Lost jobs.

And while all of this is true,
it also misses the point

This wasn't just another Christmas commercial.
This was Coca Cola giving us a glimpse as to what advertising can be.

A future where commercials aren't just broadcast.
They're personalized.
Generated uniquely.
For you.

Like those persistent ads to buy sneakers,
following you around the internet,
But instead being obtrusive, annoying animations,
those being rich, emotional video stories

I have a secret love for great commercials.
The ones that make you feel something.
Like the new Volvo ad.

But those cost millions to produce.
Their ROI is questionable at best.

AI changes this equation.
It makes emotional storytelling scalable.
Affordable. Personal.

Thank you Coca Cola for daring to bet on a new technology
They're showing us advertising's next chapter.

COPYRIGHT © 2009 - 2025 Stijn Bakker.
Built with ♡ in Rotterdam Deventer